May 11, 2013

Pageant Day!

Well, it's been a looooong day, but we survived!

Cutting to the chase, Lilly won "Prettiest Eyes", "Prettiest Hair", and got First Runner Up.

Lilly was absolutely STUNNING!:

But somehow, this little girl inexplicably won the title of Queen instead:

And this little girl was Lilly's only competition.  >:{


Maybe it had something to do with Lilly's contestant number, perhaps?:

Meh.  Whatever.  Lilly had fun, and is happy with the outcome, and that's all that matters.  She even said that she'd like to do another pageant.

Lilly's cousin Claire was absolutely beautiful as well, and won "Prettiest Hair", "Outfit of Choice", and got First Runner Up.:

The funny thing was, the girls' hair appointments were like, 5 hours before the pageant began.  After their hair was done, it was impossible (try as we might) to keep them from trotting around and wallowing and playing so hard, so of course their hair-do's weren't quite as 'fresh-as-a-daisy' anymore by the time the pageant began.  But BOTH of the girls ironically STILL managed to win "Prettiest Hair"! Hee hee!  YESSSSS!!!  :)

Click Here for the Pageant Experience Slideshow!

After the pageant was finally over, we were all happy and relieved, and ready to take Jenna up on her bribe promise that if Claire smiled during her turn in the pageant, we would go out for ice cream!  :D

So Lilly got a chocolate-dipped cone:

Claire got a hot fudge sundae:

I had a Cookie Dough Blizzard (photo not available),

And Jenna had asked for the Oreo-Blizzard-In-A-Waffle-Cone:
However, the chick taking the order misunderstood, and thought Jenna said "Oreo Blizzard AND a Waffle Cone".



At any rate, I have a feeling that ALL of us girls are gonna be sleeping good tonight, after such a hectic day.  Who knew that getting all prettied up and being fancy could take so much out of you?

WHEW!  What a day!  :)

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