September 3, 2013

*BAM!*...Oh, GROSS!!!

Yesterday evening I realized that I needed to get my butt in gear and clean out Lilly's scuzzy lunchbox that she had brought home from school this past Friday.  Yeah, I know, it had been sitting there untouched for 3 days.  Don't judge.  :P

So I picked up the thermos, noticed that it was heavy, and realized that it needed to be emptied out before dismantling it and placing it into the dishwasher to be cleaned.  But the moment that I barely started twisting off the lid just 1 millimeter, the lid went *BANG* and blew off with some force (as if I had just opened a bottle of Coke that had been shaken up), in effect showering my face and chest with cankered, rotten, soured, clabbered, chocolate milk, which at that point had solidified into curdled, jello-like chunks.

I calmly yelled "OH GOD." and rushed off to my bathroom to clean up.
It STUNK.  As I was ripping off my shirt and scraping the mess off of my neck and face, I realized that the gases from the decomposing milk had built up and pressurized inside of the thermos, which caused it to explode in my face right when I started unscrewing the lid.


Well, I guess that'll teach me to be a lazy-ass and not do dishes until the very last minute...!  (We hope)...!  ;)

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