September 10, 2013

Deana Gets A Haircut

Well, I finally broke down and got a haircut today.  The last time I got it cut was last June, well over a year ago.  Today I just had it cut into long, face-framing layers.  It feels great.

Here's a webcam picture of me with my new haircut, sitting on the front porch and enjoying the nice day:
I love it when they wash your hair before they cut it.  I wish they would wash it for an entire hour, instead of just a few minutes.  Man, it feels so good for someone to scrub your head, and the fancy salon stuff they use smells great.  It almost makes me want to pee in the seat.

Anyway, after the shampoo, the haircutting chick walked me over to the haircutting seat.  I sat there while she started working on me, and we made the usual small-talk.  There was another customer lady getting her hair done a couple of seats away from me, and her and her haircutting chick were making their small-talk.  This customer lady's small-talk, however, was quite intriguing.  Apparently she was from Florida but currently lives in Atlanta, and she's a radiology nurse, and her husband works for some company that sells some kind of computer software ("it's complicated").  He travels a lot, and "today he's taking a day trip to New Jersey".  They had their honeymoon overseas wherever that Kardashian chick did (Italy, I think?), and they actually happened to be there at the same time that the Kardashian chick was.  WHAT?!?!?  So after me and my haircutting chick eavesdropped on this other fancy customer's exciting tales for several minutes, my haircutting chick said softly to me "it's so interesting to hear about other people's lives"!  To which I replied, "Yes.  Yes it is.  And I'm gonna go home and have a baloney sandwich.  I'm gonna cry into a baloney sandwich".  Well, my haircutting chick started laughing hysterically, and told me that I made her day.

Anyway, when I finally got done with my haircut, I thanked my haircutting chick, paid for my haircut, and told her that I'd see her next year!  ;D

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