September 6, 2013

Ugh...What a Morning!

Yesterday when I was cleaning the bedroom, I had fiddled with the alarm clock, and had absent-mindedly shut it off without realizing it.  So this morning, Lilly and I were still laying in the bed when I awoke, glanced up toward the window, and thought to myself that it looked mighty bright outside.  It had been being pretty dark when we got up every other morning this week.  So a few moments later, I thought I should put on my glasses and see what time it was.  7:23!!!  OMG!!!

So I slung the covers off and yelled for Lilly that we had overslept and needed to leave the house in 7 minutes since she had missed the bus and I would have to drive her to school.

The cat had been meowing for me to get up and feed her as usual, and I had been hollering at her to "shut up" as usual, but when I sat up in bed, I discovered that the reason that she had been meowing might not just have been for me to get up and feed her after all.  Lo and behold, what was hopping around in the bedroom floor?  THE BUNNY.  The bunny had managed to hop out of her pen, and I think that she had followed the cat back to the bedroom to try to wake me up so that I could feed them both, since they knew that we were long overdue!

So I jumped out of the bed, and both the cat and the bunny started walking/hopping down the hallway toward the kitchen.  I managed to capture the bunny in the living room, place her back in her pen, and immediately fed her a big pile of greens to keep her satisfied.  I dumped out a pile of food for the cat, and quickly packed Lilly's snack and lunch.  Then I jerked on a pair of pants, and told Lilly that we had to go!  Realizing that Lilly would arrive at school too late to get breakfast in the cafeteria, I asked her if she wanted to take some cereal in the car with her to eat on the way to school.  She said yes, so I poured some Honeycomb into a little bowl.  I asked her if she absolutely had to have milk in it, and of course she said yes.  So I splashed some milk into the bowl, loaded up in the car, and away we went.

Of course, Lilly probably only ate maybe 3 bites of the stupid cereal, which is what I fully expected.  She's done that to me many times before.  And that would have been OK, except for the fact that when we arrived at school, the drop-off line was backed out to the end of the road, and as I sharply swarped my car into the line (and had to hit the brakes a little firmly to avoid bashing into the car in front of us), the damn bowl of cereal went flying into the front of the car, spilling all over the place.  Lilly had simply sat the bowl down on the console without me knowing it.  DAMMIT!!!  >:{

So while we waited in line, I began cussing and picking up soggy Honeycombs from the floor of the car, and flinging them back into the bowl.  The car's cupholders had milk in them, and milk had spilled onto the carpet.  I was pretty pissed because I knew it would probably stink.

So when I got home, I took the bowl of scuzzy Honeycomb and dumped it out for the dogs.  I got some paper towels and swabbed up the milk mess from the car.

I sure hope nothing else crappy happens for the rest of the day!  Ugh!  >:/

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