September 1, 2013

Stupid School Project! >:P

So Lilly is supposed to make a terrarium for a 4-H school project.  (Really?  Can't they come up with something new?  They made us do that whenever I was in elementary school 9 trillion years ago, for cryin' out loud...sheesh)!  Of course the terrarium needs to be made out of some kind of large-ish clear container that you can punch holes in the lid of for ventilation.  Well, since I don't really have any room at my house to hoard up any kind of crap like that for random unpredictable future projects that happen to crop up, I didn't have anything on hand that was suitable to use to make into a terrarium.  I asked Dad and Patti if they had anything that would work (they didn't), but they quickly came up with the fantastic idea of going to Walmart, buying one of those gigantic clear plastic barrels of cheez-balls for about $5, eat up all the cheez-balls (yesssss!) and then use the empty cheez-ball container for the terrarium.  
Great idea!

So this afternoon, I made the trek to Wally World to obtain the cheez-ball-barrel.  Usually you don't have to venture very far into that place before you run into stacks and Stacks and STACKS of those stupid cheez-ball-barrel displays all over the dang place.  So I fully expected to find them quite quickly.  DING-DONG, I WAS WRONG.  First, when I noticed that I wasn't tripping over any convenient (inconvenient?) cheez-ball-barrel displays every 5 feet like usual, I waltzed down to the tater chip aisle.  Nope, no cheez-ball-barrels there.  Then I got a little frustrated and walked on down to the stupid Wine aisle where, strangely enough, they have a microscopic section of "Snacks" (I discovered that unexpected fact one time before when I had scoured the shelves for a jar of unsalted peanuts to feed the birds and squirrels at the park with, to no avail.  So finally, I glumly and angrily stomped up the one aisle that I had neglected to check --the stupid Wine aisle.  Who would ever think that a freakin' jar of peanuts would be in the Wine aisle and not included with the damn chips and crackers and stuff is beyond me).  But there they were!  >:{  (I mean, I could kind of understand it a little bit better if the peanuts had been included in the Beer aisle, but nope...they were in with the Wine).

Anyway, nope, no cheez-ball-barrels in the microscopic "Snack" section at the end of the gigantic Wine aisle, either.

So then I got pissed.  Those damn cheez-ball-barrels are normally EVERY-FREAKING-WHERE.  Stupid Walmart!!!  So I went back to the first non-freezer-section aisle (which I believe is the Bread aisle), and began scouring up and down for any kind of product on the shelves that happened to be in an appropriate container that we could use to convert into a freakin' terrarium.

Well, after scouring one or two aisles with no good luck, I got even more pissed, and finally decided to just go with my original gut-instinct plan, which was to get one of those damn huge-ass, industrial-size glass jars of giant dill pickles, and call it a day.  So off I stomped to the Industrial-Sized-Containers-Of-Food aisle, grabbed the biggest damn jar of pickles I could find, and stomped up to the checkout with it.
Stupid school projects.

Now we've gotta actually make the damn terrarium.  And then pray that Lilly doesn't drop and bust it at school before her teacher sees it and gives her a good grade for it!

Anybody want a giant pickle...?  I got plenty of 'em...!  :P

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