September 6, 2013

Well, Something Else Crappy DID Happen...

Well, after the crazy morning I had, I was hoping that nothing else crappy would happen for the rest of the day.  Boy, was I wrong.

I had come back home after being out of the house for a few hours, and began sweeping the floor.  I just so happened to be standing next to the goldfish bowl.  As I was looking down at the floor and sweeping up the bits, something caught my eye, and I gasped in horror, and ceased my sweeping immediately.  The goldfish had accidentally jumped out of its bowl a long time before, and its poor, stiff, dry-as-a-bone, dead carcass was laying on the floor between the end of the loveseat and the end table.

Upon closer inspection, I was even sadder to discover that the poor goldfish had obviously furiously flipped and flopped around on the floor after it had accidentally jumped out of its bowl, because its poor little body was covered in dirt, dust, lint, and hair that it could only had gotten on it from flipping and flopping around under the loveseat and end table before it finally died.

What a sad mental image.

We'd had that little goldfish for 3 years.  Lilly had won it as a prize for playing some kind of kid's game at the Sorghum Festival several years ago.  We couldn't believe that the fish was continuing to live as long as it was.  We were eager to see just how long it would live.  I faithfully cleaned its bowl on schedule every week.  Our cat Domino used the goldfish's bowl as her own personal water bowl.  That's the only water bowl Domino even had, while we had the goldfish.

So with my thumb and forefinger, I carefully picked the poor little goldfish's carcass up off the floor by its bone-dry, stiff tail, walked it back to Jamie's bathroom, and flushed it down the toilet.  :'(  Then I went into the kitchen, got a small bowl, and poured some water in it for Domino to drink, and sat it next to her food bowl.  No more delectable fish-flavored smoothies for Domino.  :'(

Then I emptied out the goldfish's bowl, and put it in storage.

It always sucks whenever pets die...even goldfish.

But on the same subject as pets, something embarrassing and funny did happen earlier today.  I had busted out of the back door of my brother & sister-in-law's house to start walking back toward the front of their house.  Their dog, Stella, is in a large pen close by.  So I spoke to Stella as usual (in the silly, loud, high-pitched, 'talking-to-a-dog' voice), saying "Hey, Stella!..." (and at that exact moment, I had rounded the corner of the back of the house), and continued loudly saying to Stella, "...How are YOU doin' today?!?" -- only to look up and see an older man jogging up the highway right in front of me.  So it appeared as if I was talking to the jogger!  He even looked over at me, like he was about to respond to my question (even though I was talking to the dog; not to him)!  Thinking fast, I then added loudly (while being sure to look conspicuously directly at Stella) "YOU'RE A GOOD GIRL!  YES YOU ARE!", and then I coolly continued walking up to the front yard, like nothing had happened.
WHEW!  Crisis averted.  The man realized that I hadn't been talking to him after all, and he kept on jogging up the road.


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