September 23, 2013

Ugh...What a Night! >:{

Well, I just had one of the worst night's sleeps ever!

First of all, Lilly hogged the bed and covers, and positioned herself smack-dab in the middle of the king-sized bed.  Which wouldn't be too horrible, except for the fact that she also always sleeps with all of her limbs splayed out, like she's in the middle of doing a jumping jack.  Of course Lilly's American Girl doll had to sleep with us, too, along with the American Girl doll's pillow, blanket, and stuffed animal.  Not to mention the fact that our big fat heavy cat, Domino was clamping my legs down for most of the night.  So in effect, it basically looked like this:
That was bad enough in itself, but I still somehow managed to drift off to sleep.  But at some point in the night, the bunny started gnawing the piece of cardboard that we had given it to chew on.  Because of the fact that I was uncomfortable and too hot, it caused me to have a bad dream, which was made even worse, since I could hear the loud gnawing racket all the way from the living room.  But in my dream state, the bunny's gnawing translated to scary evil knocking in my nightmare.

Finally, I woke up, and I was pretty mad.  Between all the junk in the bed, plus the fat cat on my feet, I was burning up, sweating, and stuck to the tangled-up blankets.  And it was also too light in the room -- there was a light on in the living room that was blaring into the bedroom.  Eventually I realized that the racket I was hearing was just the bunny gnawing on that piece of cardboard, and not a monster from my bad dream trying to get me in real life.  So upon realizing that the bunny wasn't going to stop gnawing anytime soon, I sprung out of bed and stomped into the living room.  It was almost 2:00 in the morning, but stupid Jamie was still awake, just sitting there on the loveseat reading his Kindle, and had the TV on some yucky drug lord show, but the volume was muted.

So I turned the stupid TV off, jerked the piece of cardboard away from the bunny, and threw it several feet away.  I fussed at Jamie and told him that the bunny's gnawing racket and all the living room lights being on was giving me nightmares.  Then I stomped back to bed and tried to get back to sleep.

I guess I laid there for another hour or two, tossing and turning.  Finally I managed to drift back off to sleep, but it didn't last long.  I had just started dreaming again, when I heard a really loud *BEEP*.  Several seconds later, another loud *BEEP*.  And again...*BEEP*!  Realizing it wasn't part of my dream, I awoke to discover that the damn smoke detector was beeping its ass off at 5:00 in the morning because its damn battery was low!!!  I WAS SO FREAKIN' PISSED.
Tearing off my rumpled, haphazard covers, I jumped out of bed yet again, and stomped to the living room.  Jamie was asleep on the couch and didn't even realize that the smoke detector was beeping at 5,000 decibels.  I smacked him, and told him to get up and jerk the damn battery out of the smoke detector so that it would shut the hell up.  Then I stomped back to bed to try to go back to sleep again.

I could hear Jamie fumbling and fooling with the smoke detector for an eternity, and his loud messing around with it made me even angrier.

I think I finally fell back to sleep just a little while before the damn alarm clock went off at 6:00 AM.  In an exhausted daze, I hit the snooze button 3 or 4 times, but we still somehow managed to get Lilly to the bus on time.

SHEESH!!! I better have a decent night's sleep tonight!

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