September 18, 2013

Well, Jamie Got Fired.

Well, Jamie got fired from his dumpster-truck-driving job this morning because of the accident that he had over the weekend.

After the company did their investigation, they claimed that the reason Jamie flipped the garbage truck over was because Jamie had been speeding and driving recklessly, even though that's not true at all, and that's not even what the police report said.  The police report said that the accident occurred simply as a result of a weight shift of the load he was carrying.

And those 8 big bolts are completely missing from the underside of that truck.


Well, anyway, we've begun a frantic scramble to try to get him employed elsewhere, and apparently I'm going to have to try to get a job as well.

Why can't something ever go good for us for once?
And tomorrow we've got to take Lilly to her pediatrician to try to get her put on some type of medication, since she's evidently inherited these stupid damn mental problems from me, and that's the reason she's been doing so bad in math at school, and why she has always behaved so badly at home.

Life is shit.  >:(

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