January 13, 2014

Adventures With The Pizza Casserole!

I suppose due to my own poor planning and carelessness, I neglected to make sure that the pizza casserole I made for tonight's supper would be done in time for us to eat it before we had to go to town to take Lilly to her dance class.  It got finished cooking the moment it was time for us to leave the house.  But me and Jamie were too hungry to wait until we got back home from Lilly's dance class to eat it (not to mention the fact that we'd naturally rather eat it while it's hot and fresh out of the oven).

Well, there are no problems; only solutions.  And this was mine:

Simply bring the pizza casserole with us in the car to eat.  What's wrong with that?  LOL!

Yep, that's right, folks.  Here it is, fresh out of the 425-degree oven, and placed on the floorboard of my messy car (on top of a small wire cooling rack, of course):

It gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "To Go"!  :D

Here's a video of the saga:

LOL!  I can guarantee this probably won't be the only time this will ever happen!  Next week's episode:  The Meatloaf Goes To Gymnastics!

(Just kidding!) -- (I hope!)  ;)

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