January 22, 2014

I Just Got Called In To Work Again Tomorrow!

Well, just a little while ago at about 8:15 PM, the lunchroom manager called me, asking if I could come in to work again tomorrow!  I said sure!  It will be the same time frame as it was the other day, and I'll be doing the same thing.  I looked up the menu online, and the two main choices I'll be having to serve are Cheeseburgers, or General Tso Chicken.  Jamie said "Dang, my two favorite things!"  LOL!  (The lunchroom ladies are allowed to eat whatever they want from the lunchroom, but are not allowed to take any of the food home).  But that's OK, because the food doesn't seem to be even half as good now as it was when I used to be in high school!  It was actually secretly pretty yummy then; we just thought it was nasty!  :)

My nose is still sneezy, stuffy & runny, and I've been coughing some, but I rested all day, so maybe I'll be all right.  I took a nasal decongestant pill a while ago that was the same kind that Jamie took while he was sick, and he said it worked well for him.  So maybe I won't have the sinus pain and pressure and stuffed-up nose like I've been having for the past few nights.

Boy, they weren't kidding when they said they'd be needing a lot of subbing in the lunchroom!  Well, that's all right...I can certainly use the money!  :)

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