January 21, 2014

My First Day of Work in the School Lunchroom!

Well, I survived!

Wow, what a day!  I'm totally worn out!  It went fine, though.  When I got there, they showed me where everything was, and then put me to work making 40 deli wrap plates.  After that, I had to serve on the lunch line, and that was EXTREMELY HECTIC!  They have a total of 4 batches of kids come through (with breaks between each of them).  It was really hard to keep up the pace!  At one point, I ran out of chili and wasn't hardly able to get a new pan out in time, so that messed me up just a little.  And I accidentally dropped 4 hamburger buns in the floor, so that sucked.  But I guess I did everything else pretty much fine.  I also helped out doing other random tasks too.

After lunch was served, then we had to start cleaning up.  It seemed to take forever!  Then it started snowing, and they announced that they would be letting school out a little early because of the 'inclement weather'.  So that kind of sent a wrench into things.  I had Dad rush to my house to the bus stop to meet Lilly, but it turned out that I ended up making it home in plenty of time to get Lilly off the bus myself.  I called Dad when I was on my way home around 2:30 to let him know that I would make it in time to get Lilly off the bus after all.  He was already at my house and just ended up having to turn around and go back to his place!  :/

Anyway, the lunchroom manager told me many times that she was extremely impressed and very happy with how well I did.  I told her to just call me whenever she needed me again, and she whipped out her calendar and asked me if I could come in every day next week (at the same time, and doing the same thing)!  Of course I said sure!

I am secretly glad, though, that I don't have to go back 'til next week.  I'm exhausted!  I'm not used to being up on my feet all day busting my hump!  But it's a good kind of tired.  Plus, I'm still sniffly, stuffy, and sneezy thanks to the cold I caught from Jamie.  Thankfully I felt OK enough today to make it just fine and not appear to be sick at all.  And my nose miraculously didn't run, and somehow I didn't have to sneeze through the workday.  I've been sniffling and sneezing it up since I got home, though!  It'll be nice to have 5 days to recoup before getting back at it again.  I have a feeling I'm going to sleep like a log tonight!  :)

I was a little nervous this morning before I left home, and ended up having to take a quarter of an 'anti-anxiety-attack' pill, which got me through well for several hours.  I could have probably used another quarter-pill after the first one wore off, though, so maybe when I go back next week I'll have one handy, just in case.

Anyway, I think I'll try to hit the bed a little early tonight.  I don't know if they'll have school tomorrow, or if it might be on a 2-hour delay, since the roads are wet from the snow we got earlier, and it's only going to get colder and possibly freeze tonight.  But who knows, it may be fine, and it might end up just being a regular school day.  We'll just have to see.  

But so far, so good with the lunchroom job!  :)  I can't wait to get used to it...my back and feet are tired!  Whew!  (It still beats working at the stupid bank, though)!  ;)

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