January 7, 2014

It's Colder Than A Witch's T*t!

Yesterday I went to town to go to the courthouse and pay my car license tag renewal (which is due on my birthday, which is tomorrow).  The bill said that their office hours were until 4:30, but when I got there at 4:15, the stupid courthouse was locked up tighter than a wedge.  I was so pissed!

But my trip to town wasn't completely in vain; I went to the grocery store and bought a loaf of bread, filled my car up completely full of gas, and deposited a check at the bank.

During my travels in town, I discovered that it was colder than a witch's tit.  I'd been holed up in the warm house for so long that I didn't realize just how cold sub-freezing temperatures felt (with the windchill); I thought my hands were going to fall off in just the short amount of time it took me to start the gas pump at the gas station (and briskly hop back into the warm car)!

By the time I got home, I decided right then and there that there was no way that I was going to make my two dogs stay outside in that bitter cold any longer.  I mean, they were fine with being outside at the time, but there was no way in the world that I was going to let them sleep out in that all night long, because it was only gonna get colder.

So we dog-proofed the house really quick (which of course included relocating the bunny to my bathroom), and we went ahead and let the dogs in.

It went good (we used to keep the dogs in the house at night all the time, but that eventually proved to be too much mess and trouble).  They settled back into their old routines quickly, and made the couch their bed.  Lucky did her usual 'laying-flat-on-her-back-and-sticking-her-front-feet-straight-up-in-the-air' maneuvers, and both of them got good and relaxed and began farting up the house.  So now the house smells like a mixture of Dog, and Dog Farts (which smell like a bowl of soggy Cheerios that you left out all day long).  Bleh!  >:P
And you can usually hear Maddie's farts, too, since her tail is cropped!  O__o

Lucky was funny this morning, too.  She was apparently dreaming, because she did a few "sleep-barks".  It was so cute!  :)

Anyway, school was supposed to go back in session today, but of course it didn't because of the "inclement weather".  I think the roadways are mostly fine, but the temperatures are at record lows.  I let the dogs out for a few minutes a while ago, and in just the few moments that it took me to open and close the door, my hands felt like I had dipped them in dry ice, and that if I tapped them on something, they would just shatter into millions of tiny shards.

I don't know if they'll have school tomorrow or not.  :/  (I hope so; I'm secretly ready to "get rid" of Lilly)!  :{

Me and Lilly will have to get out and go to her doctor's checkup later this afternoon, so I'm not looking forward to that.  I hate getting out when it's freezing outside!  And I suppose I'll have to get out in it again tomorrow to go to the courthouse and pay my car license tag renewal, since it will be the deadline!

Until it warms up a little, I guess I'll pretty much be stuck playing "doorkeeper" to the dogs!  :/

Here's a video montage of yesterday's snow & dog adventures:

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