January 26, 2014

Tales From The Grocery Store, Volume 10

Today's adventure in the grocery store began when I rounded a corner and started rolling my buggy up the "ethnic/international foods" aisle.  I was totally surprised to see that they had set up a brand-new section for English foods!  (At least I think that's what the products mostly were; the section wasn't labeled yet like the other sections are, like for "Kosher" or "Indian", etc.).  My jaw dropped open in a big smile as I stood there and awe-inspiringly eyed the selections up and down!  Unfortunately, the camera on my piece-of-crap cell phone doesn't work, so I couldn't snap any pictures of it.  But what did I spy on the top shelf?  None other than this hysterical product (I got this pic off the internet):

LOL!!!!!!!!!!  XD

I thought I was going to die from laughing so hard inside!  I texted Jamie to let him know what I had found, and he replied back OMG, BUY IT!  I told him NO, that it cost $4.94!

I did want to buy at least something from this neat new 'Euro' section, however, but I wanted it to be something that I was pretty sure that we would like (that way we wouldn't waste our money if the 'Euro' food didn't quite match up to what our 'Murican fat/sugar/salt-loving tastebuds are used to)!  ;)

So I ended up purchasing this li'l bag o' interesting-looking cookies (excuse me, *ahem*; *sticking pinky finger up into the air* -- biscuits and wafers) that are from Germany:

These cost $3.28, but I splurged a little and got them for us anyway for a fun, interesting 'international' treat.

I texted Jamie back to let him know that I wasn't leaving the new 'Euro' section emptyhanded, and I told him that I had picked us out some German cookies.

He jokingly replied back "Heil Cookies!",

and then "Nazi Nabisco",

and then "Iron Cross Cookies",

and then "Concentration Camp Cookies"...

...but my favorite was his last awful zinger -- "brought to you by Blitzkrieg Bakery"!  


All really awful, but of course he was only joking!

Anyway, when I got home from the grocery store, I broke into my bag of new-found German cookies biscuits/wafers, and since I'm American, of course I had to eat one of each different type all at once in order to try them all out!  :D

Of course, just like the products we have here in America, the "cookies" that are pictured on the bag look a hundred times better than the *actual* "cookies" that are inside the bag.

Here's a picture of what they actually look like, compared to what's on the bag (just for funsies):

They were all really yummy!  :D

It's funny to me though, how overseas, they have little "American Food" sections in some of their stores, and it's really fun to see what they sell as "American Food" over there.  I saw these pictures on the internet recently of "American Food" sections in English stores, and got a big kick out of it:

Isn't this fun for us Americans to see?!?  One website said something like "Is it any wonder Americans are so overweight?  Just look at what they eat!"  LOL!

This is not all the food choices that we are limited to!  LOL!

I don't recognize the dark-colored bottled drinks on the shelf above the pack of Pepsi in the first picture.  But that doesn't mean they're not somewhere here in America!  Maybe it's a Northern thing.  (?)  And the Borden Eggnog next to it?  I've never seen that either.  The only time we ever have eggnog in the stores is around Christmastime, and I think I've only maybe taken one little sip of it once or twice.  I don't even remember what it tasted like.  I didn't think it was all that great; it was just OK.

Marshmallow Fluff?  I think in some places up north, they make a kind of sandwich called a Fluffernutter (which I believe contains both peanut butter and this marshmallow fluff stuff), but the only thing I've ever known Marshmallow Fluff to be used for down here in the south was for making fudge at Christmastime!  :)

Another thing I thought was funny was the Goober Grape peanut butter & jelly mixture all in one jar.  I've never tried that stuff, and I don't know of anybody that buys it!  Even we make fun of it in our town!  LOL!

And are those boxes of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda to the right in the second picture?  If so, it's weird to me that they would sell something like that!

I've never even tried Reese's Puffs cereal, and my Mom would never buy Lucky Charms cereal for me when I was a kid because she said it was nothing but pure sugar!  I never even tried Lucky Charms 'til I was probably in middle or high school!  :P  LOL!

The Aunt Jemima pancake syrup and the Quaker Instant Grits in the third picture cracked me up too.  I'm born/raised/live in the south where grits are really prevalent, and I've only tried grits once or twice in my life, and each time I ever tried them, I thought they were nasty!  I don't eat them!  LOL!

And the box of Hamburger Helper in the second picture made me laugh, because any time we've ever eaten it in our family, it always makes us all practically sh*t in our pants!  LOL!  I had to stop buying it!  It tastes pretty good, but the aftermath isn't worth it (unless you happen to be constipated and need to 'go')!  LOL!  I can just picture some daring, intrepid British soul purchasing a box of Hamburger Helper off the American Food aisle in Tesco, taking it home, excitedly cooking it up, eating it for dinner, and immediately getting the sh*ts the next day; cursing Americans and their lousy squirt-inducing products!  LOL!  (Don't worry, Brits; it makes most of us squirt and get heartburn and indigestion, too)!  LOL!!!

So I'm sure as fun as it is for Americans to see what's on the shelves overseas in their "American Foods" store aisles, it must be just as fun for Europeans and Asians to see what's on the shelves in American stores' "International Foods" aisle!  (I'm sure the Brits are probably smirking at the can of "Spotted Dick" on our shelves, just like we are)!  And they're probably also looking at my excited little purchase of Noblesse biscuits & wafers and having a good laugh, because they're probably about like Pop Tarts are to Americans -- really not a big deal!

LOL, so funny!  :D

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