January 20, 2014

Man, I'm Worn Out!

I finally just now have been able to sit down, and it's after 7:00 PM!  I'm worn out!  I've been going full blast all day!  :/

Today school was closed for the MLK, Jr. holiday, so me and Lilly slept late.  Lilly woke me up sometime around 9:00 AM asking me to make her some breakfast.  When I woke up, I discovered that my throat was sore, my nose was stuffy and sneezy, and my body ached a little.  Stupid Jamie ended up getting me sick.  He's been sick for probably about a week now, coughing and sneezing out into the open air all over the house without ever bothering to cover his nose and mouth, even after I told him to.  He makes me so mad.  Now here it is the day before I go to work in the lunchroom, and I'm sick.  So in the morning, I'm going to just have to suck it up and maybe take some Advil, pretend to be perfectly healthy and act like I feel great, and just pray that my nose doesn't start running, and stifle sneezes all day.  Damn!  >:{

So anyway, I finally drug myself out of the bed around 9:30 AM and made Lilly some scrambled eggs.  After a large cup of coffee, I started my laundry.  I got a few loads of my colors done over the weekend, but I still had more to do, and never even got around to touching my giant mountain of whites.  While the laundry was going, I made a big pan of chocolate chip cookie bars, since Jamie had just finished gobbling up the last of the ones that I had made the week before.  They don't last long (and it sux), because when Jamie gets ahold of the pan, he'll take and saw himself off a huge chunk of it with a knife, and the chunk of cookie bar that he gets usually measures about 5-inches X 5-inches square.  And he does that each and every time he gets himself another helping.  >:{  As I was mixing the cookie bar ingredients, I poked down some toast.

This whole time, Lilly stayed in my face, pulling and tugging me in every direction at once and commanding my full attention constantly (which is her typical behavior).  Finally, she settled down a little bit when she decided to build a fort in the living room.  I didn't care, because if it kept her occupied and relatively quiet (and out of my face), then the mess is worth it to me.

After the cookie bars got done, and I put in another load of laundry, then I took the screens out of the screen door that were torn up and started working on figuring out how to replace them.  Lilly insisted on helping me with the project, which is OK, because I want her to learn how not to be dopey and helpless like her daddy.  But Lilly insisted on trying to do it completely by herself.  So I humored her, and she quickly got pissed off and decided she didn't want to do it anymore, tossing down the tool, and returning to her fort.

I ended up having to take all the new screening out that Lilly had attempted to do, and do it all over again, but that was all right.  I'd never done it all by myself before (I'd only watched Dad do it), so it was kind of new to me too.  The first screen I did turned out OK, but as I was putting it back in the door, I noticed that it had a little cut in it where I guess my little rollie-tool had slipped once or twice, thereby slitting the screen slightly.  It's not horrible.  I was a little disappointed, but maybe it will hold up for a while.  And if it rips more and needs to be replaced, well, at least now I know exactly what to do.  The bottom screen I did turned out perfectly, and I was really proud.

By this time, crammed all the laundry in the dryer and turned it on.  Eventually it got done, but when I opened it, the clothes were still pretty wet.  In my eagerness to get the laundry all done as fast as possible, I had crammed the dryer too full.  So I cleaned out the lint trap, re-set the dryer for a longer amount of time, and started it up again.

At this point, Lilly was bored, and begging to go somewhere.  She said she either wanted to go to the park, or Wal-Mart to buy a new toy.  Today was a decent enough day to attempt to go to the park, but Lilly eventually decided against it, because she said if A) nobody was there, or B) only boys were there, or C) only babies were there, then she wouldn't want to go.  I actually needed to pick up a few little things at Wal-Mart anyway (and had originally planned to go later after dropping Lilly off at dance class), but I agreed to go ahead and take Lilly as long as she bought whatever toy she wanted with her own money.

So after we got dressed, off we went to Wally World.  Lilly picked out a Monster High doll, and a Barbie doll.  She had $33 in her Hello Kitty pouch, and I figured out what the total would come to (including tax) and it was $33.11.  So I told her I would give her the 11 cents.  Then we picked up the few little items that I needed and checked out.

When we got home, I started fixing supper.  We had to be at Lilly's dance class at 5:00 PM.  And Jamie gets home from work by 4:00 PM, so we tend to eat supper kind of early compared to most other people.

I had half a big pack of chicken tenders left (I got the big pack cuz they had been on sale), so I made some chicken tacos.  While they were cooking, I got the laundry out of the dryer and started folding it.  Some of it was still slightly damp, but it wasn't too bad.  Most importantly, I had to wash the outfit I am going to wear to my very first day of work in the lunchroom tomorrow!  Since I had dried everything together in my haste (towels + clothes too) I discovered that I would need to lint-roll my work outfit for tomorrow, but that's all right; I've got a lint roller.

I only had time to fold a few things out of the dryer, because it was getting close to time to have to leave for Lilly's dance class.  Lilly was able to eat 2 chicken tacos, and I was able to eat 1 of mine, before we had to head on out and go to dance.  So, as has become typical fashion for us, Lilly took her plate with half a chicken taco left in the car with her, and I took my plate with 2 chicken tacos left and sat it in the front seat next to me, along with my customary glass of Dr. Pepper.

I ditched Lilly out at dance class and headed straight to the pharmacy.  I had received my new medical insurance card through the mail the other day, and needed to get one of my prescriptions refilled.  So I took my new insurance card to the pharmacy, along with the prescription that I needed to get refilled.  I gave my new insurance card to the chick behind the counter, but she was having trouble finding me in the system or something.  She ended up having to call Blue Cross Blue Shield to find out how to get it straightened out.  First of all, Blue Cross Blue Shield somehow had my birthdate wrong (they said it was January 7th, when it's really January 8th), but most importantly, the prescription code on my insurance card had an "L" where an "X" should have been.  The pharmacy lady asked if they would be mailing me a corrected insurance card, but Blue Cross Blue Shield told them no; as long as the pharmacy had it fixed correctly in their system, then it would be fine.  So whatever.  I told them that I wasn't in a big hurry for the refill, and that I could come back and pick it up in a day or two.  I thanked them and apologized for the trouble.  I love my pharmacy.  They are really awesome, nice, and extremely helpful.

Then I got back in my car and headed back down the street to Lilly's dance class.  I was finally able to relax in the car for just a few minutes and eat another stupid chicken taco (even though by then it was cold, but still pretty yummy, if I do say so myself).  :)

And of course I took a picture of my sad, lonely dinner plate sitting on the passenger's side of my car:

Jamie didn't go to dance class with us this evening since he needed to work on replacing the blown bulbs of the rear left turn signal and backup lights on his truck.  So he got to eat his chicken tacos in the comfort of the living room while watching TV.  Hmph.

Anyway, I knew I needed to eventually get out of the car and go in to the dance building, because I needed to pay the remaining balance for Lilly's dance recital costume.  So I went in, paid for the rest of the costume and had a seat.

They have a closed-circuit TV thing where you can sit and watch your kid in their class on a TV screen.  So I sat there in front of the TV and watched Lilly, since I didn't have anything else to do.  I was actually really impressed.  Well, for one, Lilly's the oldest kid in her class, and she's head and shoulders taller than them (she's tall anyway).  So it's kind of funny.  But I watched her, and she actually moved very nicely.  Her movements matched her teachers' movements precisely.  And I'm not bragging or saying this just 'cuz she's my kid or anything, but she really was seriously the best kid in the class.  It probably has something to do with her being a year or two older than the rest of the kids in her class, but I was still impressed with her.  I had two class options to put her in when she first started (either the younger kids, or the older kids), and I opted to start her out being with kids that were a little younger than her, because I wanted her to start out feeling confident.  I felt like if I had put her in a class with older, more experienced dancers, then she might feel a little intimidated, and like she couldn't do as good as the others.  Anyway, when we got in the car and started to head home after dance class, I told Lilly that I had watched her on the TV, and that I was really impressed with the way she did, and that I was proud.

Then Lilly wanted a small chocolate Frosty from Wendy's.  So we drove out there and got her one.  And since Wendy's is so close to the school, I took a notion to drive on up there and see exactly where it was that I would need to go in the morning.  I've never been to that High School's lunchroom before.  Lilly knew exactly where it was, and she helped me find it.  It was really easy to find.  And I was glad.

I originally thought that I would just take Lilly early to school with me and drop her off at the Elementary School before I went on down to the High School to work in their lunchroom.  But now I think it would be best if we just put Lilly on the school bus in the morning (like we always do), and let her ride the bus to school like usual.  That way, I can finish getting ready and go by myself, without having to worry about getting Lilly to school too early or too late, and without having to fight the lines of traffic and worry about it.

I'll be at the school working from 8:00 AM 'til 3:00 PM tomorrow.  So hopefully I'll be getting off work early enough to make it home to meet Lilly at the school bus stop in time.  The school bus usually comes home somewhere between 3:40 and 3:45 I think.  Surely I'll be able to make it home by then.  But if not, I've got Dad on standby & all I'll have to do is just call him on his cell phone, and he'll meet Lilly at the bus stop for me.  :)

Anyway, Jamie's getting Lilly to bed for me now, so I can go take a nice hot bath, touch up the gray roots of my hair (ha ha) and get myself ready for tomorrow!

I'll let you know tomorrow how my very first day of work went!  Wish me luck!  :)

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