January 30, 2014

No School Again Tomorrow!

Well, they've officially cancelled school again tomorrow!

Dad called me earlier today to give me a report on how the roads were, and he said they're still pretty terrible.  The main roads are OK, but the side roads are awful in most places.

Jamie made it to work fine again this morning.  He'll be going in to work his normal hours tomorrow (7:00 AM to 3:30 PM).  Today, I was surprised to find out that Lilly's gymnastics class would be open.  So since I knew that the main roads were fine, we decided to make the trek and go.  We needed to get out of the house anyway.  We didn't have any trouble at all making it.  But I could tell that overnight, all the puddles were going to re-freeze back into ice in lots of places.

I got up a little after 8:00 AM this morning, and when I looked at the thermometer, it said it was -2 degrees!  Sheesh!

This weekend is supposed to be rainy and warm, so it should make all of the snow and ice disappear.  Dang, I can't wait for Spring!

While me and Lilly were in town for her gymnastics class, Jamie told me that the lunchroom manager had called me to let me know that there wouldn't be any school tomorrow.  Jamie said he thinks she said that she needed me to come in next week, but Jamie said that the call was breaking up, so he couldn't tell exactly what the manager was trying to say.  And he didn't bother to try to find out for sure.  So I think I'll be working next week, but I don't know when or what time, since Jamie is a doofus and didn't bother to try to find out for me.

That's OK, my cell phone is a lot better now, so I can just send the lunchroom manager a text message tomorrow or Sunday, asking her for sure.  Stupid Jamie.  *sigh*  Oh, well.

Yeah, I can send and receive text messages on my cell phone now.  The buttons all seem to respond like they're supposed to now from what I can tell.  And I can make and receive calls.  The only things that are wrong is that both the front and inside screens still have water droplets inside them (like a car headlight that's gotten water inside of it, so it makes it look all misty and water-droplety, and it's never able to dry out).  The front screen doesn't work at all, which doesn't matter (I mean, it lights up, but all you can see is water-loggedness).  The inside screen is OK except that the water droplets are all along the bottom of the screen.  So I can live with that.  And most of the time, the ring is just a very short, crusty static.  Once in a while it rings normally.  And it will still vibrate.  So maybe if it's in my pocket, I'll be able to feel it.  I think I'll hopefully be able to limp along with it until my contract is up on March 20th.  Then I think I might look into getting a Tracfone.  I think it would be a lot cheaper for me in the long run, since I don't need a smartphone, and I hardly ever talk or text very much.

Anyway, in regards to taking better care of cell phones, I'm gonna have to start paying attention more to what I'm doing.  I get easily distracted, and it's kind of hard for me to juggle several things at once.  My mind likes to stay pretty much on one track.  And if I get distracted, I will almost always forget something.  Maybe I have a touch of ADD!  :/

Speaking of ADD, I don't know what me and Lilly will get into tomorrow.  Lilly didn't go outside to play in the snow today.  She petted the dogs (which we are keeping mostly inside since it's been so cold this week).  And Lilly did a little painting today.  Oh, yeah, and she also begged me to let her sew something.  So I got down Mom's old sewing box and asked Lilly if she wanted to sew a Barbie pillow (because we don't really have very much scrap fabric laying around to amount to anything).  Lilly looked in the sewing box and discovered a long strip of shiny, cream-colored satiny leftover material that Mom had used to make the belt of my old Renaissance Fair costume (it's OK, you can laugh, and yes, of course I still have the costume).

So Lilly determined that she wanted the Barbie pillow to be about 3 inches long.  (The strip of fabric was already maybe an inch wide).  And strangely, she insisted on using black thread, which she wanted to be visible.  Whatever.  So I cut the strip of fabric, and threaded Lilly a needle (making sure to tie it in place, and tied a big knot on the bottom, so the thread couldn't pull out of the needle anywhere).  I knew if there were any sewing mishaps, then Lilly would just get pissed, throw it down on the floor, and give up.

So I handed the threaded needle and strip of fabric over to Lilly for her to sew.  I asked Lilly "Do you want a thimble?"  She looked at me and said "What?"  I said, "It's so you don't poke your finger with the needle".  And Lilly said "I thought that was for Monopoly"!  I thought I was gonna die laughing!  She didn't use the thimble.

Lilly did about 2 stitches and got pissed because one of her stitches was crooked.  I told her to calm down and give it to me so I could take the crooked stitch out for her.  She reluctantly handed it over to me and pitched a fit because she thought I was sewing it.  I assured her that I was not.  I handed it back to her, and we had to go back and forth several times; her messing up, and me fixing it, until she was satisfied.  So she sewed 2 sides of the little Barbie pillow before giving up, and handed it over to me to finish.  So I sewed up the other long edge, stuffed it with cotton balls, and finished by re-sewing the short edge that Lilly had done, but needed reinforcing.  I got it done, and proudly took it back to her (she was in her room listening to a CD and doing some activity books).  She liked it, but then she wanted to pretend that it was a maxi pad.  So I left her to her business.  :P  *sigh*  Nutty kid!  LOL!

Anyway, I still haven't gotten the newspaper yet this week.  We usually get it on Wednesdays, and here it is Thursday night, and it still hasn't come.  I guess the newspaper route drivers can't really get around in all this ice and stuff, so they're probably postponing the delivery.  Oh, well.  And I've only gotten one piece of "Old People" mail so far this week.  This little gem:

I think it's awful the way they try to disguise these things as super-important to try to trick old people into responding.

I mean, take a closer look at the envelope, with my comments included:

See how they sneakily try to fool old people with their trickery?  It's awful.

Now if you'll excuse me, I've gotta go so I can hurry up and fill this out and send it back because I've only got 5 days to do it!  Thank God they gave me a second chance -- the first one they sent must've gotten stolen out of my mailbox!

(Yeah, right...just kidding)!
BAM!  Straight into the trash, where you belong!  >:D

Heh heh heh!

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